Monday, July 6, 2009

Food for Thought

With one half of the season over in baseball, I feel like now is as good a time as any to talk about the most memorable moments of the first half of the season, and what we have to look forward to in the second. Lets start with the first:

1. The Arod scandal. One of those "No duh" moments in sports. I mean look at this picture,, isn't it obvious. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Anyway, that was really the story that got the baseball season, and the steroids talk started. Do I think Arod should still be in the Hall of Fame, yes. Did I just punch myself in the nuts, yes.

2. Albert Pujols. The dude is easily the best baseball player of our time. His numbers are outrageous on a team that really doesn't have a great offense. Can you imagine what he would do if he was surrounded with talent. I am in awe every time he is up.

3. Manny Being Manny. Plays well, gets caught doing infertility drugs that are connected to steroids, and is still the most liked athlete in Los Angeles. Unbelievable. I will admit that I loved Manny when he was on the Sox, and I really don't hate him. To me, he is still another no doubt Hall of Famer. And I can say that without cutting myself.

4. The Yankees Bust. Spending $123981237120398 on two pitchers who are barely in the top 20 in the AL. But at least they are in first. Wait.....what. Suck on that Yankee fans.

5. Speaking of Yankee fuck ups. How about the new ballpark? Which will be higher. The total number of Home Runs or the Yankees Payroll? Interesting huh? On a similar note, which will be higher (or lower), the number of Home Runs at Citi Field (New Mets Stadium) or the attendance at the WNBA Finals? To mean....probably.

5. The Red Sox being 8-0 against the Evil Empire. We are definitely going to lose the next 10, but I will enjoy it while it last.

6. Carl Crawford running like he stole something. He literally steals at will, it is fascinating to watch.

7. Zack (The Crazy Train) Greinke. If you haven't seen him, which I am sure you haven't, you will be impressed at the All Star Game. He has a mid 90 fastball and a "make you shit your pants" curveball. It really is a thing of beauty. I hope he is able to keep it together. And if not, maybe him and Ricky Williams can join forces to legalize weed for people with social disorders. Anyway who gets in their way gets a baseball to the face and run over. HERE COMES THE TRAIN!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO

8. Joel Zumaya throwing 104 mph. Nuff said.

9. Texas tied for the Angels for the AL West lead, without Josh Hamilton. I mean you gotta figure they are only going to get better right? Wrong, the Texas heat has been known to destroy pitchers in the second half of the season. But who knows, I will never count out a team that has three all stars hitting back to back to back.

10. The Lakers winning the championship. Wrong Sport? I don't give a shit. BLACK MAMBA BABY.

Things to look forward to in the second half.

1. Arod choking and costing the Yankees a playoff spot.

2. The Yankees losing on the last day of the season on a home run in the top of the 9th that would have been caught by the shortstop in any other park.

3. Lugo being traded to the As for NOMAA

4. Pujols hitting at least 60 homers.

5. The tight race in the NL Central.

6. Bradley punching Lou Pinella in the face.

7. Lou Pinella beating the shit out of Bradley.

8. Manny Being Manny.

9. Crawford stealing 80 bases.

10. Greinke going bonkers and eating his glove during the All-star game.

11. Red Sox winning the Series and Smoltz winning the last game. Then watching Smoltz fly to Atlanta to stab the front office with the trophy.

12. Clay Buchholz

13. Randy Johnson and Hedo Turkoglu in a who is uglier contest.

Yea I know that had nothing to do with baseball, but those mother fuckers are ugly as hell.