Monday, November 9, 2009

Kings and Skins

First, if you are a hockey fan you have to check out Kings v. Blackhaws tonight at 8pm. Two incredibly young and talented teams that will likely be the strength of the Western Conference for years to come. The best (and most underrated) player in the league Anze Kopitar will finally get a chance to show of his skills on primetime.

And by primetime I mean Versus, which is a channel known for bull riding and nothing else. The NHL, like a bunch of idiots, went for the short term money instead of getting less from the likes of ESPN and ABC. Now they have done serious damage to the viewership. Anyway, watch the game tonight should be epic.

Now on the Redskins. What can you say. Snyder sucks, Cerrato sucks, Zorn sucks, our scouts suck....I think I may be leaving someone out....oh yea, the players suck. They came out after the bye week and got polliwomped by the Falcons in the first half. They could not tackle Turner, they could not stop Gonzalez, and their O-line couldn't block the crazy soccer chick from New Mexico

I think that people should wear shirts to next weeks game that say "Ruining a franchise, so easy Dan Snyder could do it." Now I am not saying he needs to sell the team, but what he needs to realize is that he doesn't know anything about football. He needs to get a GM to deal with the football side, and he can focus on the business. That GM should blow up the team and the coaching staff and just start over. That is all I have to say about that.

Prediction: Skins will go 4-12

Monday, July 6, 2009

Food for Thought

With one half of the season over in baseball, I feel like now is as good a time as any to talk about the most memorable moments of the first half of the season, and what we have to look forward to in the second. Lets start with the first:

1. The Arod scandal. One of those "No duh" moments in sports. I mean look at this picture,, isn't it obvious. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Anyway, that was really the story that got the baseball season, and the steroids talk started. Do I think Arod should still be in the Hall of Fame, yes. Did I just punch myself in the nuts, yes.

2. Albert Pujols. The dude is easily the best baseball player of our time. His numbers are outrageous on a team that really doesn't have a great offense. Can you imagine what he would do if he was surrounded with talent. I am in awe every time he is up.

3. Manny Being Manny. Plays well, gets caught doing infertility drugs that are connected to steroids, and is still the most liked athlete in Los Angeles. Unbelievable. I will admit that I loved Manny when he was on the Sox, and I really don't hate him. To me, he is still another no doubt Hall of Famer. And I can say that without cutting myself.

4. The Yankees Bust. Spending $123981237120398 on two pitchers who are barely in the top 20 in the AL. But at least they are in first. Wait.....what. Suck on that Yankee fans.

5. Speaking of Yankee fuck ups. How about the new ballpark? Which will be higher. The total number of Home Runs or the Yankees Payroll? Interesting huh? On a similar note, which will be higher (or lower), the number of Home Runs at Citi Field (New Mets Stadium) or the attendance at the WNBA Finals? To mean....probably.

5. The Red Sox being 8-0 against the Evil Empire. We are definitely going to lose the next 10, but I will enjoy it while it last.

6. Carl Crawford running like he stole something. He literally steals at will, it is fascinating to watch.

7. Zack (The Crazy Train) Greinke. If you haven't seen him, which I am sure you haven't, you will be impressed at the All Star Game. He has a mid 90 fastball and a "make you shit your pants" curveball. It really is a thing of beauty. I hope he is able to keep it together. And if not, maybe him and Ricky Williams can join forces to legalize weed for people with social disorders. Anyway who gets in their way gets a baseball to the face and run over. HERE COMES THE TRAIN!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO

8. Joel Zumaya throwing 104 mph. Nuff said.

9. Texas tied for the Angels for the AL West lead, without Josh Hamilton. I mean you gotta figure they are only going to get better right? Wrong, the Texas heat has been known to destroy pitchers in the second half of the season. But who knows, I will never count out a team that has three all stars hitting back to back to back.

10. The Lakers winning the championship. Wrong Sport? I don't give a shit. BLACK MAMBA BABY.

Things to look forward to in the second half.

1. Arod choking and costing the Yankees a playoff spot.

2. The Yankees losing on the last day of the season on a home run in the top of the 9th that would have been caught by the shortstop in any other park.

3. Lugo being traded to the As for NOMAA

4. Pujols hitting at least 60 homers.

5. The tight race in the NL Central.

6. Bradley punching Lou Pinella in the face.

7. Lou Pinella beating the shit out of Bradley.

8. Manny Being Manny.

9. Crawford stealing 80 bases.

10. Greinke going bonkers and eating his glove during the All-star game.

11. Red Sox winning the Series and Smoltz winning the last game. Then watching Smoltz fly to Atlanta to stab the front office with the trophy.

12. Clay Buchholz

13. Randy Johnson and Hedo Turkoglu in a who is uglier contest.

Yea I know that had nothing to do with baseball, but those mother fuckers are ugly as hell.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It is about Swine

First let me say that law school finals suck. Now lets get back into it. Last weekend many great things happened, the Skins did not trade all of their picks to get Sanchez. If they had, the front page of ESPN would have looked like this Notice how unhappy he looks. Its like he just hooked up with the hottest girl in school and then found out he has herpes. Anyway hope the herpeless Sanchez does well in New York. Finally, the greatest thing about last weekend was the Sox sweep of the Evil Empire.

This got me thinking about my favorite memories as a Red Sox fan. Tek beating up Arod, which is even more impressive knowing he was on steroids. Then there was Bill Mueller hitting a home run of Rivera to win that same game. And who can forget Pedro slamming Zimmer's head into the ground. Now don't get me wrong, I love the AARP, but if you are going to start something you damn well better finish it. And by finishing it I do not mean eating the grass in the Fenway infield.

But my favorite moment by far was watching Game 7 of the 2004 ALCS and seeing Yankee fans crying. I remember watching the game with my buddy Becker and laughing at 8 year-old Yankee fans crying. Now you may be thinking that I am depraved and have no soul, but if you weren't a Red Sox fan prior to 2004 you just don’t understand. It would be like watching baby Hitler cry. You feel bad at first, but then you see that damn mustache and realize what a monster he was and you are happy that little fucker is bawling his eyes out. Make Yankee-Hitler connection, check.

Anyway, for those that missed it, on Friday Rivera blew the game on a 2 run homer by Bay in the bottom of the 9th (who I have been trying to get on my Fantasy team but can't cause my team sucks and I am an awful fantasy player). This opened the door to Youk's walk off shot a couple innings later. Then there was the 16-11 game on Saturday, awesome. And finally, the Sunday night game where are young gun pitchers just shit on the Yanks $908371423 lineup. Yes, I know Arod wasn't playing but shoot him up and get him back in there already. After a slow start the Sox are flying high and I couldn't be happier.

Now I owe an apology to the Caps. They came back in game 7 and beat the Rangers on an absurd wrister by Federov. Let me be the first to congratulate you on beating a team who barely made the playoffs, has Sean (I like the penalty box) Avery, and who has a head coach that embarrassed the organization by give throwing beer at caps fans in the first row and trying to hit them with a stick a la Marty McSorley circa 2000 On a side note, I have met Marty McSorley and he is a really nice guy. So congrats Caps, you should be proud. Now this doesn't mean that I am not rooting whole-heartedly for them to beat the Pens, mainly because I think Crosby whines too much. Also, the Kings are usually mathematically eliminated by January so I have to root for someone. So go Caps.

Finally, I have decided to end all entries with fake twitters for athletes. So here it goes for the past week in sports.

Andy Petite-"I'm scared, someone just robbed my home"

Brad Miller-"Who…dere…..who….dey…..?"

Derrick Rose-"Buying gummy bears in Boston."
Van Gundy "Glad that Dwight Howard didn't elbow me after I told him he sucked. Fuck my team"

Tim Duncan-"Golfing"

Federov-"Hookers, Russia House and Vodka. Suck on that Lundqvuist."

Tortorella-"Going to Sean Avery's to punch him in the face"

Wang-"Looking through the Classifieds"

Texas High School Athlete-"Fever, Runny Nose, Vomiting and Diarrhea, probably just a stomach flu"

Thursday, April 23, 2009


For those who have been able to pull themselves away from the Detroit Lions Fashion Show and the 24/7 coverage of the NFL Draft, you have been treated to some remarkable NHL and NBA playoff games. Now as a Kings fan, the NHL playoffs haven't been personally interesting in sometime, but that doesn't mean that they aren't fun to watch. To me the best series in the first round have been the Hawks/Flames, Ducks/Sharks and Canes/Devils.

The great thing about the Hawks/Flames series is the fan support for both teams. In Chicago you have the nicest people in the world. They love their teams no matter how many Billy goat hexes, bad quarterbacks or polish sausages get in their way. Then on the other hand you have the Flames fans. Calgary to Canada is like the panhandle to the US. Straight up country. Tobacco chewing, buck hunting, Boo Weekley look alikes. They love their Flames cause lets face it, they don't really have much else in the way of pro teams up there. Anyway, this series has everything, rising stars, current stars and even good goaltending. It should be exciting to see how it ends.

Then there is Ducks/Sharks. Division rivals. Two solid teams. Great players, great coaches, and great goaltending. The only problem is that this is the 1/8 match up. In my opinion San Jose got fucked. It would not surprise me to see the winner of this series advance to the Stanley Cup Finals, but my predictions usually suck, so they are probably both fucked. Anyway, if you like hockey and can stay awake past 11, stay up and watch.

Finally, there is the Canes/Devils. A face-off between the always-steady Devils and the up and down Canes. For those who don't really follow hockey, the Canes are similar to the Marlins. Will be really good, like their Stanley Cup run, and then they will suck for the next few years while they stockpile young talent. Now they are good again and are giving the Devils all they can handle. While Canes fans are not the most knowledgeable about the game, like when they cheer for offsides or icing, they more than make up for it with their excitement during the playoffs. Think of it as the ugly girl who is terrible in bed but you keep going back for more because her enthusiasm makes you think you are doing something right. And doing something right is exactly what the Canes did on Tuesday night. As me and my roommate were watching the end of the 3rd, completely unaware of how much time was left on the clock, we figured we were going to get to watch another OT game, one of the best parts of the hockey playoffs. Instead, Jokinen tips it in at the buzzer. Yes I said it, a buzzer beater in hockey. Something rarely seen, especially with .2 seconds left in a 3-3 game in the playoffs. INCREDIBLE. I can only hope that there are more games like this to come.

Now onto the NBA, where amazing is supposed to happen. With the exception of the Bulls/Celtics series, which everyone thought was going to be another beat down, nothing exciting has happened. The Cavs and Lakers are putting a beat down on the Pistons and Jazz. Although I will say watching those games makes me think of what it would be like to watch Mike Tyson fight an infant. Ok…..ok…..a really strong infant.

Next we have Magic/Sixers. The only thing amazing about this series is how Stan Van Gundy hasn't gotten Latrell Sprewelled by one of his players after he tells them how much they suck after every game. I hope Dwight Howard donkey punches him during a timeout tonight.
The rest of the series can be summed up pretty quickly:

Heat/Atl-Wade vs. Actual Hawk
Denver/NO-Chauncey has big balls/good trade Detroit how is that 8 seed in the east treating you
Portland/Houston-Houston 1 Portland 1 Dikembe 0......Just wag your finger at me if you think this is too soon
Dallas/San Antonio-Has been vs. Never Was

Finally, I will leave you with 10 things to watch this weekend.

10. The Natinals benching a player for giving back to the community, but then he plays anyway because they misspell his name and Acta doesn't notice.

9. Tim Duncan making his Tim Duncan face

8. Beckett hitting a Yankee in the head

7. Burnett trying to retaliate but missing

6. Lakers and Cavs finishing off the Jazz/Pistons

5. Sean Avery taking 10 penalties, Tortorella killing him

4. Dampier eating Tony Parker

3. The Redskins trading away Portis, Landry and FedEx field to move up to the 8th spot to get Sanchez

2. Dan Snyder being hospitalized after an unknown assailant head butts him in the crotch while wearing a helmet

and the number one thing to watch this weekend..........

1. In a surprise move the Lions draft Michael Crabtree and 20,000 Lions fans kill themselves

Friday, April 17, 2009

D.C. in the Spring

Welcome to my blog. Insert dork joke/you are not the sports guy joke/Jewish people can't play sports so they write about it....joke. Now that we got that out of the way, here is a short intro. I was born and raised in LA, have family from Boston and New York, went to Duke, worked for Fox Sports West in Los Angeles, and now live in DC. You will know my sports allegiances quickly, and trust me you won't like it. Anyway, lets get to it.

Here are some thoughts on D.C. sports in the spring. First, let me say how great it is to be living in D.C. during this great era in sports. Wait...what? What I meant to say was that rooting for the D.C. sports teams is like watching the 7th season of 24. It is all exciting before the season starts, but in the end you know whats going to happen. Yet somehow you are still surprised when an American turns out to be a terrorist and defends himself by claiming that he was doing it for to save the good ole US of A. Take the Redskins as an example. Every year, except maybe 2008, and I am not counting Jason Taylor as a potential team savior, the Skins have a huge off-season. Yet every year, the over-priced fat asses eat five guys out of a business before sucking it up on the field. And every year the experts and the fans, including myself, think that this year will be different. Guess what, if Haynesworth comes into the preseason weighing less than the polar bear in Germany who tried to eat the dumbest woman alive, I will be stoked. In fact, I will be happier than Josh Howard on 4/20, and no, not because they are going to beat the Spurs who are older than the Alamo.

And just when you think it can't get any worse, the talk of Dan Snyder having a man crush on Sanchez is on the front page. AWESOME. I am a USC fan and this is a dumb idea. He may be a great QB, who knows. But guess what, no one is a good QB when they are lying on the ground with Demarcus Ware's foot in their ass. I swear to god, if the Skins do not draft someone over 300 lbs in the first round someone should send Snyder a cake with a naked midget in it who looks like Gus Ferrote who jumps out and head butts him in the junk. I mean c'mon, Snyder, stick to what you to best, money and .....well money.

Now onto the Natinals. No that is not a spelling error. It is bad enough that they blew leads in the 9th on Saturday and Sunday, but to cap it off, they couldn't even spell their names right on their jerseys. Natinals? Really? In addition to sending 3 pitchers down to the minors on Sunday you should have also sent down the printer or whoever is in charge of making the jerseys. I understand that we are in a recession, but maybe leave out the S, or even the als and just be Nation. Hell maybe thats what they should do. If they are lucky people will think they are the Red Sox Nation's minor league baseball team. Instead they are treated like the drunk kid at the party who just threw up on himself, you feel bad for him, yet you can't stop for 30 seconds to help him because you are laughing so hard.

Now to the Wizards.....this should be quick. Combine overpriced players with an owner who doesn't know what the fuck he is doing, and ta da.....welcome to the worst team in the NBA. The Mystics could have won more games....ummm...ok maybe I took that one a little far, but I bet that Mystic fan agrees with me.

Finally, the shining star that is D.C. sports, the Caps. I love Ovechkin. Fun to root for, has incredible energy, and gives the fans something to watch, besides the 10 goals that are being scored on Jose Threeormore (a quick thanks to Mr Dubin). Now if I described a team as high scoring, exciting to watch, has an MVP yet continously loses in the playoffs what would your first answer be. The Phoenix Suns? Exactly. The Caps are the Suns of the NHL. Great team with great talent that can put points/goals up on anyone, that is until they reach the playoffs. This team is just not meant for playoff hockey. When teams clog up the neutral zone, play conservative, and don't turn the puck over, it gets hard to score. And when you have bad goaltending and an average defensive team, you are going to struggle. Now hey, they are only down 2-0 and in hockey we all know that home ice doesn't mean shit, but even if they somehow squeeze by the Rangers they have as much chance of making it to the Stanley Cup as Chien-Ming Wang does of making it through the 2nd inning. you know I am a sox fan.

And on that note let me say that nothing made me happier than seeing the Yankees open their new stadium with a loss, only to follow it up 2 days later with a 22-4 drubbing by the Indians.
Anyway, that is it for my first blog. I hope you enjoyed and I promise it will get better.

Finally, I would just like to say a few words about a friend of mine who was lost in a drunk driving accident. Henry Pearson was a man of potential. He was the guy that you knew was going to be successful no matter what he did and no matter where he did it. Henry, the world is a darker place without you. The sports world and my world will never be the same. Take care and may you rest in peace.